All prices are merely estimates based upon pet size, coat condition, temperament, frequency of grooming & overall health. The right to adjust prices may be exercised at any time.
Fees start at $110 for services on a short or smooth coated small breed (less than 10bs).
Further information regarding prices will be provided after discussing specific information
about your pet's circumstances.
Additional Charges-
*De-Matting: $2 per minute.
NOTE: In cases of excessive matting, the owner will be notified and presented with alternatives.
*De-skunking: $50.00
*Prices 50% higher for emergency service, when available.
All grooming fees must be paid by cash or check upon completion of services rendered unless prior arrangements have been made.
Checks returned due to insufficient funds will be subject to a $35.00 returned check fee,
at which time, all subsequent appointments will be payable in cash only.

Ready for the best groomed pet on the block?
Call 734-262-6262
or click on the "Contact Us" link to send an email.
NDGAA Certification # MI24